Monday, December 2, 2013

Communicating in a LDR....

Communication is everything in a long distance relationship, or in a any relationship but especially in an LDR! It is really all you have because you can't physically be together. So, here I am listing my top five communication!

1.) Texting
     Now I am sure 99% of us do this on a daily basis anyway but this is a key factor when you guys can't always be on the phone! But, you can't just have the one word conversations. "hi" "hey" "sup?" "nm" "same" "cool" "yup" Those conversations are not acceptable! Talk about anything...what you ate for lunch, whatever you did that day. Just something that you can keep talking about.

2.) Phone Calls
     For me the phone calls always happen at the end of the day. The time when we both had just gotten in bed and wanted to be all cuddly and cutesy. Find a time of day that you both can be on the phone and not have any interruptions. These are great times to feel close to each other and just enjoy each others company, as that can be hard when you are miles and miles apart.

3.) Video Calls/Chat
     Video calls are extremely important. This is the time in which you get to see how the person reacts to certain things. What they smile at and what makes them cry. You get to learn so much more about them when you get to see what they do not just hear them. I love going to bed on video with my boyfriend. It is extremely relaxing and you get to again watch their movements and how they sleep. It is very intimate.

4.) Pictures
     This may seem like an odd one. Seriously, how in the world can pictures count as communication. Well, this is a quick and easy way to share what you are doing with your partner. All you ave to do is grab out your phone, snap a picture and send it. It takes less than a minute to do and it can make your partners day.

5.) Letters and Boxes
     Now this may seem a bit old fashioned but this can be a huge romantic gesture. When I get something from my boyfriend I get extremely excited. Even if it is just a letter because it shows he was thinking about me. It is also an amazing way to spice up communication in a long distance relationship.

I hope this helped you if you are in a similar situation. xoxo- Bethany