Tuesday, January 17, 2012

     So, I haven't kept up lately I know. But I have to say that things are going pretty good. Is it possible to fall in love with someone more each day? It is hard to think about how fast things can come on go. So far, good things have stayed and most of the bad has left. The guy who A and I met through decided to make his grand exit out of our lives by saying I was well...to bluntly put it a whore. Now anyone who really knows me, knows that that is the furthest thing from what I am. I will admit yes I might have hurt him but hey he hurt me too.
     And I am not saying two wrongs make a right because they don't, it is just that in a situation involving two people can you really just blame the other person, without looking at yourself? I know I can't, I have admitted my mistakes and moved on form what he did, he can't do the same?
     But, yes I have moved on from that because I have someone who brought me back to what I really have always wanted. Love and happiness. Some people say "oh, you're nuts for falling in love so quickly, it isn't right!" or "You live so far away how can that even work?" Well, it does. It isn't easy, but when is love easy? Yes, I admit we don't have the relationship that some couple have when they are together physically, but that means we also don't have those issues. What we worry about isn't being around each other to much or missing a date because one of us is hanging out with friends. We have issues of not being able to talk during the day because of jobs, or the fact that there isn't unlimited minutes until seven. But, when we are talking together we really I guess cherish our time together. Yes, I know that sound dumb but I know at least I do.
     The distance can be excruciating at times, but I believe that if we did not have it then we would not be as close as we are now.  We would have been to caught up in the physicality of the relationship. But, this way I get to know him before jumping into that....
     Love should be emotional not physical...

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